Sound Healing

These are Vibroacoustic Sound Tables that turn sound you can hear into sound you can feel. The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency. These sound tables are engineered with frequency sets of different hertz to influence specific organ systems, muscle groups, energy centers, allowing sound to penetrate the cell’s vibrational state. What needs to be prioritized for you?

How Does It Work?

During the session, you lay on top of the liquid sound table, which mimics the feeling of floating in water: transducers will then translate the hertz of the frequency of your choice through the water directly to the body, which is when you will start to feel the vibrations throughout your entire body! Even though each frequency is designed to target a certain area or goal, the vibrations will be felt throughout your whole body the entire time. Every client reacts slightly differently to each frequency. Most of our frequency sets range anywhere from 30-60 minutes.

This really is the equivalent of a hands-free massage. When you experience things like internal disease, chronic pain, stress, or triggers, your body doesn’t vibrate at its natural, healthy frequency. VAT is engineered to directly communicate with your nervous system, muscle tissue, bones, glands, fluids, and the cellular fabric inside your body: transforming sound you can hear into sound you can feel.

Some Different Frequencies We Offer...

  • Muscle Pain – Choice of focus on feet, arms, shoulders, neck, hips, back, pelvic floor, sciatica, etc.
  • MS
  • Asthma
  • Dystonia
  • COPD
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Organ Function – Choice of focus on Endocrine System, Colon, Intestines, Liver, Bladder, Prostate, Spleen, or Immune System
  • Oxygenation– Reduces inflammatory areas in the body
  • PTSD
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Chakra Balance
  • Meridian Balance
  • Meditative Activations – Specially composed music and frequencies designed to work with your energy centers more in depth, as well as activate deep states of awareness and peace.


And more! There is a more detailed list you will get to choose from in house with over fifty frequency options. You may combine frequencies as well.

Follow our social media to see a new frequency revealed on Friday’s, called Frequency Friday! We post a different frequency and explain what it does, as well as how long it is. Check out our Frequencies Highlight/Album.

Wellness starts here.

Watch our video


21 -35 Minutes
$ 40
36 - 90 Minutes
$ 70

Buy 3 sessions of the same duration, get 2 sessions free!
(5 sessions total)
$120 for five 35 minute sessions
$210 for five 36-90 minute sessions

~Add-On Option~
$25 for 20 minutes of your choice of frequency
Adding on the vibroacoustic sound treatment with your massage and/or reiki session can help your session really achieve that extra mile. 

If you buy the $120 package, and you come in on a day and want to do a longer session or combine two frequencies, you can simply pay the difference of a longer single session, which would be a $30 upcharge.

Request an Appointment

If you are interested in an appointment, please call 859-866-6666 or use the form and we’ll give you a call back to confirm the details of your appointment (date, time, therapist, etc.).

It’s our pleasure to serve you.